Database In-Memory Star Schema Benchmark Now Available

I’ve promised this for a long time and I’ve finally delivered! To all of those of you who have attended my Open World Hands On Lab sessions or have been to my In-Memory By Example presentations you can now easily run the lab on your own laptop. I’ve finally found a place that can handle the schema export. It’s rather large so it’s broken up into a total of 21 Data Pump export files that have been compressed. Hopefully the instructions that I’ve created will enable you to import it. I would recommend using the Developer Days Virtual Box VM and then import the schema into an SSB schema. The files are available on GitHub here:

The original Hands On Lab and scripts from OOW 2017 are available here on our DBIM blog “Resources” page. Just scroll down to the Technical Briefs section.

If you want more information about the Star Schema Benchmark then you can take a look at the original paper here:

A version of the dbgen utility, if you want to build your own SSB schema, maybe to make it larger is available here:

Another nice “how to” I found if you roll your own is available here:

Jim Czuprynski has also done some work with Dom Giles’ Swingbench to show how well Database In-Memory works. His presentation is here.

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